Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.
 -Albert Einstein

There is no allure to rote memorization. There is no elegance in blindly following steps. However, there is beauty in discovering elusive patterns. There is structure in forming logical connections. Learning comes from insight, not regurgitation.

insight (n.) - the clear, and often sudden, understanding of a complex situation

When teaching math, I make it my priority to not only focus on helping a student find this insight, but also highlighting the value of each topic. Our minds constantly look for order in an attempt to make sense of their surroundings. I simply expedite the crystallization of these concepts until the understanding takes root.

Learning math doesn’t have to be a painful experience. Encouragement and positivity are crucial aspects of instruction. Combining these attitudes with creative and insightful ways of teaching is an effective method of improving educational outcomes.

It’s my desire that this approach will inspire a new generation of thinkers and problem solvers to develop a passion and love for math.